Carolina Beach, NC
Home MenuWhat is Stormwater?
Stormwater is rain that is not absorbed into the ground. This water flows down roof tops, across the terrain and into the stormwater system, which then leads to the nearest body of water. These are the Cape Fear River, Carolina Beach Yacht Basin and the Atlantic Ocean. As stormwater flows, it travels across paved areas, bare soil and lawns collecting pollutant substances such as:
Pet waste
Pesticieds and herbicides
Automotive Fluids (gasoline, diesel, oil, grease, ethylene glycol)
Cigarette butt filters
These pollutants are then carried through the stormwater system and eventually end up in lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. The pollutants degrade the aquatic habitat by clouding the water, increasing algae growth, decreasing oxygen levels, encouraging harmful bacterial growth and threatening aquatic life.